



草原景观天文台(PVOc)于2020年年初完工。港珠澳大桥由两个东西向排列的独立码头组成。一个专门的太阳观测站位于南边(草原景观太阳观测站(PVSO),于1999年开始运行,并于2017年翻修)。西部(18英尺)和南部(16英尺)的圆顶是Ash圆顶,而东部(20英尺)的圆顶是Astrohaven蛤壳圆顶。两个新的桥墩高出地面24英尺,振动振幅不超过0.485弧秒,允许高分辨率成像。目前,PVSO的主要仪器包括位于西穹顶的24英寸平面波CDK望远镜,位于东穹顶的16英寸米德卡塞格伦望远镜,以及位于南穹顶的PVSO的35厘米真空太阳望远镜。此外,一个提供电力和互联网的观察板位于综合体的东端。观景台建筑的特色是一个两层的游客中心,在东西两侧是底层的工作室和控制室,以及通往夹层穹顶的入口。用PVSO进行了多年的太阳观测项目已经恢复,从今年1月开始,我们也用我们的16英寸望远镜在东部圆顶进行常规的太阳观测。除了白天的太阳观测外,在我们测试和建立仪器和成像系统的能力的过程中,东部圆顶也见证了许多夜晚的活动。 Once the PVOc is fully online, it will be capable of a wide array of astronomical projects that will involve faculty, students, and the public. We have one additional 16-in Meade and one 14-in Meade, along with several other telescopes for outside, ground-level viewing. Finally, in collaboration with NASA-JSC over the past ten years we developed cameras for advanced astro-imaging. We are also equipped with a state-of-the-art, low-light calibration source manufactured by LabSphere. This system provides an extremely uniform low-light source for calibrating imaging systems. We present our first light images from our PVOc along with a few calibrated images with our cameras developed for astro-imaging.

(摘自B. Cudnik, M. Rahman, G. Erickson, P. Saganti, S.D. 188金宝慱亚洲Holland等所著的《草原景观天文台:初光》摘要)